
Grid Magazine Plugins

Page history last edited by Schiller 14 years, 8 months ago


Grid Magazine was an indie music publication that, unfortunately, went the way of the dodo. grid’s back issues are still an interesting read for anyone with an interest in music.


While helping DJ Blurb, Dooce's husband, to get my plugins working on his site I ended up throwing together a couple of plugins for Grid Magazine's specific needs. However, I decided to share them with the public in case someone wanted to use them.


There is no proper documentation for any one of these plugins so you will have to sift through the code yourself. Luckly, everything is rather simple.


Grid Magazine Related by Category

This plugin is basically a simplified version of the Related Entries plugin without the keyword matching. nstead, it lists any number of related entries that are in the same category and month as the one being viewed.




Grid Magazine This Month's Cover

This plugin was designed to show the magazine cover depending on which article you are reading. For example, if you are reading an article from the September issue, it will show September's cover in the sidebar. This works both in individual entry and monthly archive views. The solution is crude and is highly specific to Grid Magazine's file naming schema, but some of you may still find it useful.



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